
Your Tech Journey Starts Here – For Free

Become an In-demand Software Developer or Product Designer in 6 Months. Join the next Nextgen academy to change your career path forever.

Training the Next Generation of African Tech Talent

Seamfix Nextgen Academy is committed to equipping aspiring techies with high-end skill sets to build a successful career in tech. We’ve developed an intensive curriculum to help you to develop apps and create outstanding products, teaching you the programming skills, product design, and soft skills needed to take your career from ground zero to the next level.

Get The Best Education
at Zero Cost

Now all you need is a passion to make your dreams come true Seamfix nextgen academy is partnering with Ingressive for Good to make tech opportunities accessible to you, without financial barriers.

We’re offering full scholarships to







Only 100 seats left, Don’t miss it.

Pick a NextGen Track

Backend Development

Learn the skills necessary to land backend engineering roles at companies of all sizes.

Frontend Development

Learn the fundamentals of frontend to be ready for a successful career in web development.

Product Design

Get the intensive training needed to become a world class product designer.

Acquire Marketable Soft-Skills

Grow beyond what you know with marketable skills that set you apart from the competing crowd, including

  • Effective Communication (verbal and written)
  • Collaboration, Linkedin and CV Optimisation
  • Personal Leadership
  • Problem solving and design thinking

It takes Just 6 Months to Change your Life

End the year strong by participating in the next cohort of the Seamfix Nextgen Academy. Take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for free. Classes begin in July.

Let's get to know you

Complete the form below